2025 Ford Ranger PHEV: The Pickup That Won’t Grace American Roads

2025 Ford Ranger PHEV: The Pickup That Won’t Grace American Roads

In the latest chapter of the automotive saga, Ford unveils a tantalizing prospect – the 2025 Ford Ranger PHEV. However, much to the dismay of North American enthusiasts, this plug-in hybrid pickup is destined for overseas markets and won’t be making its way to the United States. Let’s explore the unique features and capabilities of the Ranger PHEV that will be enjoyed by international drivers.

In the ongoing tale of “Cars I Wish Would Come to America But Won’t,” the 2025 Ford Ranger PHEV takes center stage. Despite the fervent wishes of U.S. consumers, Ford has decided to reserve this electrified gem for markets beyond North America. The decision leaves American truck enthusiasts yearning for a plug-in hybrid option in Ford’s lineup.

What sets the Ranger PHEV apart from its U.S. counterparts is its unique blend of an internal combustion engine and an impressive 28-mile electric range. The powertrain is anchored by Ford’s renowned 2.3-liter EcoBoost four-cylinder engine, seamlessly integrated with an electric motor. This combination promises a driving experience that merges efficiency with the flexibility of a traditional engine.

2025 Ford Ranger PHEV
2025 Ford Ranger PHEV

Performance Secrets: More Torque Than Ever

While Ford keeps specific performance details under wraps, it confidently asserts that the Ranger PHEV will boast more torque than any other Ranger model. Drawing a parallel with Europe’s 3.0-liter turbocharged V6 diesel-powered Ranger, which delivers a substantial 443 lb-ft of torque, expectations are set high for the PHEV variant. The standard EcoBoost-powered Ranger in the U.S. generates 270 horsepower, leading us to anticipate the PHEV version crossing the 300-horsepower threshold.

The Ranger PHEV doesn’t compromise on its off-road DNA. Retaining its four-wheel-drive system and a suite of off-road driving modes, this electrified pickup ensures that adventure-seekers can still tackle challenging terrains with confidence. What’s more, the Ranger PHEV maintains the impressive 7,700-pound towing capacity that the Ranger lineup is known for.2025 Ford Ranger PHEV Specs

A Glimpse into the European Driving Experience

As the Ranger PHEV prepares to roam the streets of Europe, Australia, and New Zealand, it offers a glimpse into the driving experience that international customers will savor. The fusion of efficient electric driving and the raw power of Ford’s EcoBoost engine positions the Ranger PHEV as a versatile companion for various driving needs.

For U.S. consumers eagerly anticipating a plug-in hybrid option in the Ranger lineup, the absence of the Ranger PHEV leaves a void. While the market is flooded with electrified alternatives, the unique features and capabilities of the PHEV variant add a layer of desirability for those seeking a perfect blend of power and efficiency.

2025 Ford Ranger PHEV Redesign
2025 Ford Ranger PHEV Redesign

In conclusion, the 2025 Ford Ranger PHEV emerges as a symbol of innovation and versatility, destined for international roads but eluding the American landscape. As Ford continues to expand its electrified lineup, the Ranger PHEV stands out as a testament to the brand’s commitment to a sustainable and electrifying automotive future.